During our first day in Bangkok we decided to head to one of the city's parks. It was pretty early and we had some time to kill before the mall opened so we could get our international cell phones. The park was really beautiful (minus the green water of course), with palm trees, flowers, and lots of cats (really weird) walking around. We decided to walk over to one of the gazebo-type things overlooking the pond since it seemed like a nice view. Right away we noticed this thing swimming in the water - it was really big and didn't seem like fish... That's when this creature swam to the edge of the pond and this is what we saw...

This lizard must have been about three feet long. After walking around the park a little more, we discovered these huge lizards were everywhere! I was a little freaked out since they got pretty close to people and I had no idea how fast they were. Since then, I've been mistaking the ends of leaves and tropical-looking plants as lizard tails.
I hope you get to see some crazy frogs too!
Just wait, we once saw a lizard in a sewer, and I'm still not convinced that it wasn't a dinosaur.
that is damn creepy.
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