Monday, May 19, 2008

Cultural Day

This past Friday was cultural day for my TEFL course. We started off in the classroom going over cultural dos/donts. Thailand DO: always take your shoes off before entering a home or temple. Thailand DON'T: never touch a Thai's head! They consider the head the most sacred part of the body.

The first stop was an old Christian cemetary. Westerners first came over in the 1850's as Christian missionaries. They set up a number of Christian schools that still exist today (even though 95% of the country is Buddhist).

Some of my TEFL classmates...

Next we went to a Thai Wat (Buddhist temple) near the river.

Near the back of the Wat, there were buckets of animals on the ground, including fish, turtles, birds, frogs, and eels. For a fee, you could 'set them free.' Kind of weird since they capture these animals just to set them free... The parents of this little boy in the picture just bought him a cage of birds to set free. A couple of my classmates also set free birds and turtles.

One of these turtles got eaten by a catfish almost immediately after it was released in the river :(

After a cheap Thai lunch, we went to the Chiang Mai History Musuem. It was raining so I couldn't snap a good photo of the building.

Our last stop was the Tribal Museum which showcases Thailand's hill tribes that number around 500,000 people.

The Tribal Museum is actually located on a military base. This outer area of the lake is where all the restaurants/bars are for the soldiers. The museum is on a tiny peninsula that reaches the center of the lake.

Hope that wasn't too boring! We promise we'll post some cool party photos soon.

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