We spent the past week at Imm Eco, a "boutique youth hostel" (whatever that means). It started off on a bad foot. Once we had the keys to our room, we opened the door - everything looked really awesome and new. Then we checked out the bathroom and that's when I saw this creature, about 3-4 inches in diameter, hanging out on the floor. I did a little research and I'm pretty sure it was an orb spider.
This is what it looked like....
Holy turds. I tried capturing it by putting a wastebasket over it, but it ran away when I got closer. That's when we decided to switch rooms, which was pretty easy since there were NO GUESTS! Well, maybe one or two, including an older German couple we referred to as "our buddies." Other highlights include a really obnoxious French family, two Italian dudes who took multiple pictures of themselves posed in the pool with sunglasses, and a creeper older man who blew bubbles in the pool as he did his excercises. Not cool.
The place itself was beautiful, and overall it wasn't so bad. Just a little creepy considering this place could probably house over 250 people and there were maybe 7 guests at a given time. Here are some photos:
the building that housed the lobby

the pool area

the small-tree area that didn't really serve a purpose

a photo from inside the room. sarah's neck pillow functions as a white hair helmet, virtual reality future glasses, and santa beard.

photos of the new apartment coming soon!
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