My TEFL class started this Monday and it's been really great so far. It's good to be back to a normal schedule again. Having a full month off was cool, but it feels good to have some sort of daily purpose. In class we jumped into things right away, giving practice presentations and learning how to be great teacher. We visited a real Thai school on Wednesday, took a tour, and sat in on their awards ceremony for summer camp. Today I had to interview a real Thai student! I recorded the inverview and now I have to transcribe it, analyze their language, and build a lesson based on their needs.
The real fun begins during the 3rd and 4th weeks of the class. That's when we start our 'observed teaching practices.' Altogether I'll be teaching six hour-long sessions in different schools. WOAH. I've never really done anything like this before, so it's a bit strange, but hopefully I'll be a good teacher!
This is where I go every day. Our classroom is the 2nd floor corner room (in the middle of the photo).

On Tuesday I learned how to do this properly:

It's called a wai. There are three different wais that are used in different circumstances.
The first hour of my class every day is devoted to Thai language instruction, which has been a lot of fun. Phome Maa Jaak USA krab. That means 'I'm from the USA.' We haven't started learning the Thai alphabet yet. I'm thinking that might be a little hard...

Lastly, this is the emblem of Thailand. Pretty cool right???

Tomorrow is our "cultural awareness day." We're going to a bunch of cool, cultural-y places around town and learning certain customs and do's and don'ts. I'm hoping to get some great photos!
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